School Timing

School Timing

Parents can help their children by making sure they receive enough sleep, eat a healthy breakfast, are organized and arrive on time.


8:45 AM - 3:00 PM

1st Grade & Up

8:00 AM -3:00 PM

Office Hours

8:00 AM - 3:00 pm

Student’s Late Arrival Policy

Parents play a critical role in ensuring students get to school on time. We are counting on your support and cooperation as we aim for a seamless and efficient drop-off and pick-up throughout this academic year. To ensure effective learning, it is extremely important that students come  to school on time.
  • All students Grade 1 and up, arriving at school after 8:10 am will be counted tardy and parents must come into the building to sign them in. Please do not drop off your child alone if he/she is tardy.

  • After three 3 tardies in a marking period a warning note will be sent to their respective parents.

  • After four (4) tardies, the student’s (the fifth tardy) in a marking period, students will not be allowed to go to first period. Any subsequent tardies in one marking period student will be sent home and a parent meeting is required.

  • Parents are requested to ensure they drop their children off to school on time. The school administration policies as well the state law requires all students to be in full attendance every single day.

  • Grade 1 and above students who arrive after 8:30 am may be sent home for that day unless the parents have pre-arranged this with the school administration.